Several Weeks later,
As time passed, Starscream's students became aware of each other through their wings, through minute sensory changes in temperature, and energy fluctuations. His instructor praised the ingenious nature of his strategy and agreed that teams made of people who actually could stand one another would be a solid advantage to the Decepticons in future combat situations.
Having observed and analysed the cadets as they formed into groups, then adjusting cadets who somewhat conflicted with other team members, he drew up four solid teams. Each team chose a leader and two wing seconds, this was based upon their skill in flight and obedience to his directions and how well they worked together.
Once the instructor had trained them in flight manoeuvres, Starscream took them out and showed them, sometimes with his own show team, how these manoeuvres were performed in tight formation using the wing sensing techniques he had been teaching. Of course the first day they tried flying several metres apart from each other, several cadets fell out of the sky in mid air collisions and hit the ground. The young flier was both embarrassed and apologetic, yet his instructor did not shame him, only demanded the fliers to report to medical. In time, he had them flying mock dogfights with smoke rounds as indicators to hits.
A side effect of Starscream's techniques resulted in more Seeker cadets surviving to the end of term. A quarter of them would usually be lost to meal time brawls. However, many stated how they sensed a presence and were able to fight back in time, turning the tables against the Grounder bullies who often took advantage of the Seeker's light build. The coneheads gave Starscream reports on their experiences which allowed him to understand their abilities and disabilities, he adjusted their training to fill their specific needs.
The instructor observed how Starscream was able to organise the units, to account for specific individual strengths and weaknesses and have everyone function. She also observed a couple cadets returning from their lunches and having inverted their insignia's to indicate support and respect of their assistant flight instructor.
The instructor would have easily kept Starscream as her training aid; however, she realised that Starscream's skill would probably be best in a position of him commanding other Seekers in combat. Starscream could literally teach on the wing and was very passionate about flight and flying.
When the Academy council approached the instructor, she recommended Starscream to be posted as a wing second with promotion to wing leader as soon as possible after he gained the necessary experience.
Darkstar was pleased, he had hoped for such an outcome.

When it became apparent that Skywarp was no longer trying to murder Starscream, things settled down and became mundane once more- a sort of mundane. It became a routine. Skywarp would troll Starscream, Starscream would take the bait and Thundercracker was left attempting to mediate the pair before fluids were spilled.
It was late evening when the pit fight had ended, the pair had gone off to collect their winnings, and Thundercracker retrieved Starscream's payout as well. They would usually busy themselves until Starscream had the medics give him a once over before being released.
Skywarp was laying on his bunk, juggling dummy frag grenades. A practise that Starscream hoped would not evolve to the use of live frag grenades, for the sake of them all. The trine leader placed his combat spoils into his foot locker as Skywarp eyed him.
"You still have a conscience, Starscream," the dark flier commented in a disapproving tone. "You allowed the opponent to live, you need to step past that and kill 'em, kill 'em all. You know they probably won't spare you."
Thundercracker raised his head and said nothing, he was ready to step in though.
"Did my choosing not to kill them cost you credits?" Starscream hissed.
"No, I don't bet on if you'll slag or spare, simply because I can't figure out who you'll select to live. You'll fight a guy this week, and spare him, you'll fight a guy next week and kill them, both weeks they are tryin' to kill you, and you let one live. There is no logical rhyme or reason to it."
"Logic, Skywarp, you? I never took you as a person who used reason or logic for thinking."
Skywarp sat up and glared at Starscream, balling his fists. "I ain't stupid ya know? I'm able to use logic and other stuff to arrive at a possible outcome."
"Oh, come on warp, you've blown almost every credit class in this academy, the only thing you are doing well at is military in nature, and juggling dummy grenades." Starscream pointed out.
"Maybe that's my point, smart aft. Maybe I'm here because this is what I was meant to do. Not like you, who sits around and reads boring books, about even more boring sciences, history, or other uninteresting subjects. Ya know, in a way I'm as smart as you because I know how to teleport... it's not easy maths. And as you know I'm really good at math... and surprisingly geography too, if I put my mind to it. But if I math it all wrong, or gauge it wrong, I'll end up as part of the building's decoration."
That was a point, Starscream was frequently impressed with Skywarp's ability with maths, and mathematics were essentially an action of logic. Geography was important to Skywarp, so he understood how terrain might affect his teleportation, but that was where it ended. Skywarp had failed every other course. His combat and other military training skills were above average.
Skywarp was also somewhat jealous that he was not selected to pit fight and Starscream was. The young Seeker was glad that he was the only one on his team chosen for that. He did not relish having to decide to spare or kill Skywarp.
Thundercracker observed the two argue back and forth. He had done well at academics, meteorology and medicine, but his military skills were about average. He was decent at what he did, but he did not have his spark into the killing, and had to only take out three other cadets. The cadets who he had killed were usually attackers. He simply stunned them with a sonic boom, and if they persisted once they awoke, he took them out.
Starscream had excelled in all aspects of his training, with praise for his wing sensory strategy, which he kept trying to redirect to Riftwing. Riftwing kept insisting that he had only suggested it as a proximity alarm, and not in the advanced manner Starscream had evolved it. Riftwing explained to Starscream that he had written to the cadet council that he had only suggested that Starscream use it to determine if there was a potential threat, and that the cadet used it to deduce who was near him, how fast they were going, how close they were and more importantly if they were likely to be friend or foe. It was his power of observation that turned it into an important tool.
Darkstar then wrote to the cadet council and reminded them that, had they executed Starscream as they intended, he would not be there to share this ingenious strategy with the rest of the faction. And also reminded them what Megatron had said "Cultivate him and his skills, don't execute him for finally displaying it."
Starscream was pleased with the feedback and strove to do much more.
"I don't get it, Starscream. We work our aft's off with training as much as you do, and you're the one that gets all the special perks. You get to fight, you even actually get paid to fight, and you get to teach all that flyin' stuff."
Starscream shook his head lightly. "Yeah just only get paid a little. I get more by having someone place bets in for me. Come on though, warp. It's not that fun, it's scary. I am so afraid each time I go in, that will be the last time I see a day... and you know what? I don't want the last thing I ever hear is Short Circuit announcing how I am dying. I grow weary of his insults, or how he often says 'Wow! That's gotta hurt!' Any idea how fraggin distracting it is listening to him comment on your every swing, and how it is not as good as the swing you did six fights earlier? Or a reference to someone who did it in the past before, what their stats were and how they ended up being killed. Then announcement on what my odds are for survival, based on how many wins I have had up to that point."
"Sounds like fun," Skywarp muttered.
"It's really, really grim." The young Seeker placed his face in his hand and shook his head in dismay. "I know I get my moments, but really... I'm-I'm not quite ready to die yet... I can still do so much more."
"You're in the wrong job, Screamer. When you're given real live weapons, then your death warrant is signed. Defect now while you still can."
"I know, I know, I am aware of what I signed up for, I have no intention to defect or run off and hide. But... I still want to live. Hopefully the war will be over soon, and we can all go back to our regular lives...." His voice petered off as he realised he had little life outside the military, although he did, at least, have a comfortable home again.
"Good, you better not actually defect. Honestly, Starscream. I don't care how scared you are of being scrapped, but I'll kill you myself if I think you're gonna jump ship at this point. You'd be a coward. Don't make me lose respect for you, don't be a coward." Skywarp warned Starscream. "You've come a long way, though. I didn't think you'd make it this far, let alone actually combat in a pit. But yeah, you've got smarts, survival smarts, and you're pickin' up combat skills easily... It makes me feel proud, actually. But whatever you do, don't disappoint me by being a coward." Skywarp nodded and leaned back and resumed his juggling.
Starscream remained quiet. He did contemplate running from the academy a few times in recent weeks, usually immediately after his terrifying turns in the pit, a few times he came close to being bested. The remaining combatants were getting tougher, the timer was longer, and the weapons being used were no longer entry level. Many of the remaining combatants were now energy based weapons, such as energon maces, lightning swords. He had captured a pair of electron-swords this evening, adding to his steadily growing armoury.
His combatants were also no longer just the local academy, His opponent this evening was a champion from a different war academy. He was concerned about the unknowns being introduced into the arena. He liked to research the top contenders in his program in preparation for his fight. Now he had several schools worth of possibilities.
A lot of the fighters were very tough Grounders, mostly tanks and at least two triple changers. There were not many Seekers in the roster, although there were some. One Seeker he knew of was named Thunderhead, and that flier scared him to death.
He heard of him through spectators chatting about the cadet fighters. Some even attempted to debate who, in what they termed 'fantasy battles' would win, if paired with Megatron or even himself. The discussion usually turned grim quickly and Starscream would move on.
The thought of Thunderhead ever being brought into play was a single reason that Starscream would ever want to pick up and run for his life. Thunderhead had a perfect kill record, no spares, and no losses of any form. He was also significantly larger than most common Seekers, and quite a bit older too. The word on the wind said that his opponents usually begged for their deaths. And it was that rumour that frightened Starscream. What did he do to them that they would beg to be ended?
Shaking his thoughts away the young flier reached out to grab a bottle of engex that his wingmates had placed on his desk after the fight. It was a good vintage, something that was strong enough to calm him, and very high in energy. He was grateful for their presence, grateful that they supported him and watched out for him. He popped the stopper and tipped it back, the liquid was strong enough to nearly feel hot. Starscream offered it to his wingmates, who drank some in the same way, toasting him. Sharing it with him, but they let him have the lions share. Starscream was almost always rattled after a fight. He could feel the engex permeate through his system. It tingled pleasantly and he started to unwind. As he did, he fished out his datapad and started to go over the opponent's datatracks.
"What are you reading up on?" Thundercracker asked.
"Eh? Oh, who is left in the arena, and who I probably will face next week, if they don't outsource."
"Surprised they did that," the blue Seeker remarked.
"Meh, the guy who I should have fought fell off a ledge and into a chasm on a class trip. He survived, but probably will be out of the running for the rest of term. Damn Grounders, would not happen to me, I'd fall off a ledge, I would probably drop as low as I could before transforming," Starscream grinned.
"I never really took you as a thrill seeker, Starscream. You seem so grounded in reality, and at times too serious."
Laughing quietly, the young flier smiled brightly. "You'd be surprised, Thundercracker, when I tell you I do get a heck of a rush while I am fighting in the pits. As I said before, I am not ready to die, and the fear that I feel... that can be somewhat intoxicating, actually."
"There are cheaper and less dangerous forms of highs, Starscream," Skywarp interjected. "For instance, circuit boosters."
"No, Skywarp, we are not getting Starscream hooked on some cheap fix, anyway, they are rarely safe. Long term, they can damage the processors."
"Let's see," said Skywarp, "long term use of a booster... maybe some damage. Short term in the pit... maybe permanent death; what would I choose?" he rubbed his chin as if deep in thought. "I could see how livin' a little longer on a high would be less preferable to let's say, dying on a field with a sword in the chest. All the while watching people cheer as your life slips away," the dark Seeker replied sarcastically, "I didn't say it was safe, Thundercracker, it was less dangerous. Starscream could take it for a decade and not have any major ill effects, at least he would live that long, he could go into the pit tomorrow and die. That's what I mean."
"Yeah, I'll skip the fix's," the youthful Seeker responded. "I kinda like my intelligence the way it is. The fix is a choice, the pit is not... so I have to deal with the possibility that my intelligence will be scattered across the dirt in the next fight," he sighed as he closed his datapad and got up. "Sorry, guys, but I need to do this research in peace this evening, and I am not getting peace with you two nattering. Thanks for the engex, I will see you at lights out." He smiled and nodded at his wingmates then left the barracks.

Ten Minutes Later
Air raid sirens howled, their notes rising and falling as the warning klaxons sounded through the halls of the Academy; warning of an impending attack. They had been drilled on it and knew what to do.
Skywarp dropped his dummy grenades and Thundercracker's wings swung back, their optics bright with alarm. They cast a glance at each other and then in the direction that Starscream had just gone.
"We can't wait for him," Thundercracker said as he grabbed Skywarp and shoved him forward. They ran through to the end of the barrack to the fallout bunker. No sooner had they and the other cadets crammed themselves inside then sealed the door, the ground shook from three thunderous explosions that felt all too close.
Soon after the rumbling subsided there was eerie dead silence. No one said a word for a full five minutes while they tried to rid themselves of a shaky rush of adrenaline.
"Are we all accounted for?" asked Whitespark in the back. "I got my trine," Sunburst and Windraker were close at hand.
"My trine with Dirge and Ramjet are present," Thrust answered.
Skywarp and Thundercracker glanced at each other, the glow of their optics illuminated the worry on the other's face. "We're missing, Starscream. He left to go to the resource centre barely ten minutes ago." Thundercracker reported.
"He was caught in it wasn't he?" Skywarp asked quietly.
"I can't believe it, someone actually bombed the academy...," commented Thrust.
"Believe it. Megatron's gonna be pissed," Ramjet added.
"Any bets on the number of casualties?" Dirge suggested.
"Not the time," snapped Thundercracker, "we've got a wingmate missing." The bunker was heating up quickly, and they would have to remain until the all clear was called. "We'll see if he is there at the rally point."
"Could be too late, though," Skywarp said as he glanced around. "If everyone stays exactly where they are and don't stand in this spot, I'll be back, I'm gonna go look for Starscream!"
Before Thundercracker could object, Skywarp was gone in a violet flash.
Skywarp appeared just outside the fallout bunker and ran toward the barrack exit.
The campus was blackened as power had been cut to the section. Smoke and dust was heavy in the air, yet the sirens were silent; however, red warning lights continued to flash. The red flashing lights cast eerie shadows on the walls that resembled tortured sparks. Tables, bunks, chairs, desks, and books were blown to the back wall in a frightful mess. Whatever had happened, it was near enough for the shock wave to have an effect in the barracks area.
He ran past the wash racks. The common bathing area was awash with steam and scalding hot spray from pipes that burst when the shock wave rolled through. Steaming hot water spewed out in all directions filling the hallway with fog, that mixed in with the dust and smoke. The water that poured onto the floor combined with dirt and ash to form a slippery slurry of mud. Skywarp skidded a few times as he rushed past. He slid to a spot just before a massive smoking crater. The crater remained where a large part of hallway and multi-purpose rooms had once stood and had separated the barracks from the academics centre. The roof had fallen in taking out the floor above the hall and the hall itself leaving a massive pit going down several metres into the ground.
The long steady blast of the air raid all clear sounded. It's haunting note rose in volume until it held for most of a minute then slowly petered out.
There was also intense heat and smoke from fires that had ignited combustible debris. Plumes of dust were still rising in the evening air. Looking up he could see the stars in the sky shining brightly. He turned his gaze across the pit to the academic centre, where the resource centre was located. Skywarp squinted. How long would it have taken Starscream to get to where he was going. He saw some people on the other side, and he then rapidly teleported across. It was Darkstar, Riftwing, Stellardrift as well as a couple other academy instructors.
"Skywarp, what are you doing out here? Did you get caught in this? Where are the others?"
"Thundercracker is back at the shelter, No, I didn't get caught in it but... you didn't happen to see Starscream in the resource centre just before the strike, did you?" Skywarp asked worriedly.
Darkstar's face set into a concerned filled frown. "We did not, the staff were having a meeting and anyone in the resource centre were sheltering in the same bunker as us."
"Well if he is not in there, and not in ours and there ain't a shelter between us and there is no sign of him around now..." Skywarp's glance took him to the fiery pit of smoke, dust, and ash. "It doesn't take a genius to guess he is in there, and is probably now with the allspark."
Darkstar's optics flashed with worry, shoved past Skywarp then scrambled down into the pit. "Stellardrift, get a scan on any registered energy signatures, check for any unregistered ones too... just in case."
Skywarp followed Darkstar down. "Screamer, can you hear us?" he called out. "Starscream?"
"I get a signal to your right wing, Darkstar, twenty metres out and twenty-three metres down. It's Starscream's"
"Why so deep?" Darkstar asked, confused.
"Old cave system, ancient structures, who knows... he must have fallen in a hole his energy signal appears weak, hard to tell, a lot of natural nickel between us and the signature." Stellardrift replied.
Skywarp glanced over at his wing, "Can you get a read on what it looks like down there, Stellardrift? Think it's crowded or spacious?"
"I can't tell that, Skywarp, sorry, not with this thing."
"Exact location of signature, to the millimetre," Skywarp demanded.
"Twenty point seven-three-nine and twenty-three point two-one, to the left from your exact position, Skywarp."
"Good enough," Skywarp replied. The dark Seeker activated a proto-portal and sent out a radar ping, taking a reading, Skywarp quickly calculated and teleported in at new co-ordinates. His numbers were just a little off and the tip of his wing merged into a wall. He ended up ripping the point off, intense pain surged through him, but he had listened to Starscream as he described how to manage pain and shunted it off. "I'm in a cave of some sort, there's a big pile of stuff right where you found the signal. I had to adjust to being off the side a wee bit... there ain't any room for me to teleport you guys down.... get medics, I think I see him." There was no response, only static. Skywarp cursed to himself.
Skywarp found a heap on the ground, covered in sheets of metal, strips of flooring, and piles of wires. Above him was a pair of huge roof beams that had crossed, closing the hole when the floor collapsed. "Step lightly guys, this ceiling above us is only being held up by a former roof in the form of two crossed steel girders, step off the hole if you're on it." But he only received static. "Slag the nickel."
He found a place where he could glimpse a bit of blue colour showing through what looked like mud. Skywarp pulled the sheets of metal off, digging furiously until he exposed Starscream's face. The young flier's optics were half shuttered then flickered on, and as he moved his head. "I didn't expect to see you, Skywarp." The trapped Seeker coughed and fluid dripped out the corner of his mouth.
Skywarp grimaced in concern. The fluid indicated his wingmate must have internal injuries, a punctured tank, ruptured line, a bleed into his air manifolds. Skywarp wished he could get a proper medic down, but the condition of the crossed beams concerned him. They did not loon strong enough to last long.
"I'm full of surprises, Screamer. If ya want, I can pretend I'm Short Circuit and describe how you're dyin'..." the dark Seeker smiled teasingly.
Starscream tried not to chuckle, but started to cough, and more fluids seeped up, this time it seemed to be more of a steady flow. "You're an aft, Warp," he said hoarsely. "Think you can get me out?"
"I'm gonna try, but I'm worried about your injuries if I'll make them worse." Skywarp met Starscream's optics and could read a hint of fear hidden behind his weak attempt at humour.
"There might be no point in a rescue if you think it's that bad. Anyway, a tank has been ruptured as well as some major arteries," Starscream informed taking his read off his HUD. "Moving me will probably kill me."
"Look, I'm here, and I ain't no medical genius, Starscream, but I won't let you die, okay? This ain't the way you wanna go, and I get that, it wouldn't be my choice either." Skywarp cleared debris from around his wingmate, pulling off heavy chunks of rock, concrete, and metal.
Starscream forced a smile. "Not my choice, Skywarp, no." He drew in a sharp breath as Skywarp worked. "Not being given many choices..." his voice trailed off.
"Ya see? No, you wanna go out fighting; leading a squadron of Seekers in the heat of a furious battle. Not while minding your own business as some half wit Autobot decides to drop a bomb on a school." Skywarp kept talking to keep his wingmate engaged and focused on him.
"That might be a death worthy of memorial," he agreed, his voice took on a wet quality as if fluids were entering the air intake manifolds. "Crashing sounds messy though."
"Ya know, there was something that always impressed me, Starscream, You heal really, really fast." Skywarp used a chunk of scrap to rest Starscream's head on so the fluids would not gush out of his mouth. Starscream's optics flickered. Skywarp glanced up as the girders creaked ominously. He would have to work fast. Skywarp hoped that Starscream did not see his fear.
Starscream's head rolled sideways as his optics flickered again. The grievously injured Seeker drew in a short weak breath.
Skywarp finally uncovered Starscream's broken body. He was concerned with what he saw and was not sure how to deal with the new situation. The rubble above them groaned loudly.
"Okay, Stay with me, Screamer," the dark Seeker poked the injured flier awake. "You're smart, and I need you to tell me what I should be doing. Ya see, I don't normally rescue people, I usually kill 'em and this ain't my scene."
Starscream glanced at him for a moment "What do you need to know?
Skywarp crouched, touching near the wound. "Screamer, you've got a large piece of rebar..." Starscream's optics flickered to dark, and Skywarp reached over and slapped his face, not hard just enough to rouse him. "Look at me, Starscream, I need you to focus on me and on my voice, Okay? Can ya do that?" He patted Starscream's left side and got his wingmate's attention. It was harder to keep the other focused and his colour was rapidly fading, his fingertips were starting to look more grey than blue.
Bits of concrete and rock fell from above scattering around them. "You might want to go... it's not safe."
"Screamer, watch my hands. You've got a large piece of metal rod sticking out of you here. I think it's got one of your tanks. It's really, really long and bent, attached to some concrete."
Starscream turned his head a little and noticed the metal and nodded. "Cut it, just above the top, and just below the back...don't remove it. Leave it in," he said weakly.
"Understood, now with what shall I cut it, dear Screamer, dear Screamer... but in all seriousness, I don't have scissors or a blade. Do you? You're usually armed with a knife." Skywarp was trying to keep the injured Seeker focused and conscious. The jokes were more for his own sanity as he tried to ignore the fact the girders were starting to sag.
Starscream drew in a ragged breath and steeled himself to reach to his left-hand subspace pocket. Pain shot through his limbs as it was the side that the metal rebar had impaled him. it had buried itself into the ground below. Starscream drew out his dagger and activated it. The pain was so intense that the young Seeker was unable to maintain his grip on the hilt, it slipped from his fingers and fell into the dirt. Fluids bubbled from his lips with each laboured breath.
"Of course you do, you're always prepared, Screamer. But, is it hot enough to cut this steel?" Skywarp asked, staring at the insignificant looking blade before he picked it up.
"It penetrates spark armour, which is harder than the rest of you. It should cut construction grade rebar just fine," the youth assured, he coughed, choking on his words and then spat up even more fluids. His fingers dug feebly into the dirt as he struggled with the pain.
"Relax, calmdown, Screamer, I know it must hurt but bear with me...." Skywarp glanced up as rubble fell down onto the ground from above, becoming a steady stream. "Slag it, Starscream, they're disturbing the heap, we don't have much time." Skywarp warned, mostly to himself to urge him to focus again.
"Then, go."
"I can do this...."
He applied the blade to the rebar and started to make the cut, he was impressed with how sharp the insignificant looking blade was. Starscream had never allowed him to handle any of his weapons before. Skywarp pushed concrete that had been part of the impaling rebar off to the side.
"Screamer, I ain't gonna lie, but this last bit is going to hurt, I may actually injure you further, but we don't have time to frag around..." More chunks were starting to fall down and the metal beams that were forming the temporary ceiling were beginning to creak and slip. Loose sand, grit, and gravel were raining down like sand in an hourglass. Skywarp did his best to shelter the injured flier under his great wings, wincing as the rubble damaged him.
"Do what you need to do, 'Warp, or just get out of here... if time is running short then save yourself, Thundercracker doesn't need to lose his best friend..." his voice's tone changed to resignation and fear.
Skywarp pushed Starscream slightly up, which pulled the rebar down a little, then the dagger to cut the other side. As he did, Starscream screamed, He set his wingmate back down and then dropped himself over Starscream. "I'll let you in on a little secret, Screamer," Skywarp said as he wrapped his arms around the other and whispered into his audio receiver, "Thundercracker and I are actually half brothers."
"All the more reason to leave me then...." Starscream whispered as the teleportation field enveloped the pair, the ceiling collapsed and came crashing down. Skywarp teleported them to the Academic centre side of the crater.
He whimpered agony as he was moved from location to location. It was too much and the injured flier slipped into blissful unconsciousness. Skywarp was sure it was okay to allow it now, he was topside and medics were on hand. A huge plume of dust erupted from the cavern as the roof and rubble fell in on the spot they had just occupied seconds before. The officers ran to the edge, frantically searching the debris. "Skywarp! Starscream!" Darkstar shouted and made himself ready to leap in.
"Darkstar, Stellardrift and Riftwing, we're here!" Skywarp called standing up rapidly the dark flier was covered in blood. Dust and small debris poured off his back onto the ground. He waved his hand still clutching Starscream's dagger. Quickly he powered it down and gently placed it into the now unconscious Seeker's hand.
"Was there anyone else down there?" Riftwing asked of Skywarp.
"Not as far as I could see, if they were, they're probably dead. What about the other strike sites, there were three, and this was one..."
"These were the three strikes, they were aiming for the barracks." Darkstar directed the medics to the critically injured Starscream. "Your wing?" Darkstar asked when he realised the dark Seeker had taken an injury.
"Meh, minor problem, although if you could fix it..." Skywarp asked gingerly, he had not spent much time in the medical bay, unlike his wingmates. He was not sure if it even qualified as a covered repair.
"Not a problem," Darkstar agreed, being grateful for the teleporter to have come swiftly to the Starscream's rescue.
Thundercracker scrambled across the crater to where the medics were attending to Starscream. "You got him out?" the blue Seeker asked.
"Yeah, he was below in a cavern. Had they started to dig, the academy would have crashed down and killed him." Skywarp glanced over as the medics wrapped dressings around the metal rebar that still remained embedded. Thundercracker followed his wingmate's gaze.
"You left it in? Good call." the blue Seeker approved.
"Can you tell me why he didn't want it removed?" Skywarp asked. The idea of leaving it in was a little perplexing. "I wanted to pull the bar out 'cus it looked like it really hurt."
"Know when you put a cork in a bottle of engex?" Thundercracker asked.
Skywarp nodded.
"Then you hold it upside down and all the fluid stays in. but if you removed that cork, all the engex would spill on the ground, it's something like that. The rebar in Starscream is a cork, and it's holding his fluids in. If you or him were to remove it, the fluid would all gush out, and he would immediately die."
Skywarp shuddered, he had noticed an increase of fluid seepage when he moved Starscream in an effort to cut the bar under him.
Thundercracker put his hands on his wingmate. "I am proud of you, for choosing to put yourself into harm's way to save him. That's no small act of courage."
"Starscream told me to leave him, so you'd not be deprived of my company. I don't know why he would even say that..."
Thundercracker mused at question. "He knows we are close. Starscream is what we would probably call a prodigy. He is extremely intelligent and observant, for his age. He is an Officer-Cadet. Skywarp, he understands when to cut his losses. In this case, he was sparing you at the expense of himself, he was probably as proud of you as I am." Thundercracker guided the dark Seeker to where Starscream was being treated. They were treating his injury with extreme care as it would easily be lethal.
"But you know, as well as I do, he's going to become a commander, someday. Most likely of a unit of Seekers or maybe the entire fighting population of Seekers. I don't know, but I do know that this is because he understands which lives he must take and which lives he must spare. He demonstrates this ability very well in the arena. It's not so much he has too much conscience and doesn't want to kill, Primus Skywarp, where have you been? He left that mindset behind long ago."
Thundercracker paused briefly, "The arena is not an exercise in fun and games, but an opportunity for the Academy to view strategy, decision-making, and dealing with unpredictable situations in a live combat environment. That is why they throw things at him like beasts, or occasionally multiple opponents."
"I thought it was just for grisly entertainment," Skywarp grumbled.
"Yes in part, but no, it's more than that. While they are learning what he is capable of, he is learning his opponent, he then decides if he could bear to face them in future, or if it would be a risk. He then chooses if he should end them or not. I don't know what he sees exactly or how he makes his choice. With that said, remember the opponent, Lockout, the guy he did not kill first round, spare him in a later fight when he lost the round, I think the fighter felt a life for a life."
Thundercracker gently shoved Skywarp onto a chunk of rubble when a medic arrived. He had dressings to wrap the injured wing and ready him for transport on the next medivac vehicle. The young flier was already in transport to the hospital.
"Starscream is very intelligent and is able to manipulate the situation from time to time to better suit his desired outcome. Have you ever noticed how he sometimes bungles or fumbles an attack in the arena? Has it occurred to you that he is manipulating his opponent to view him as inept and let his guard down?"
Yeah, it's stupid sometimes, I know he's better than that.
"It's a legitimate strategy, Skywarp. This level of intelligence is extremely valuable as it is dangerous. And he is a person the Decepticons definitely want on their side and never on the side of enemy." The blue Seeker stepped back as the medic poured cleaning solution over the wing.
Skywarp snarled a warning at the medic, but he was ignored. They looked into the injury to ensure all dirt was out. Once that was done the medic applied compresses and then wrapped it to keep it clean, it would be awhile before Skywarp would see a medic himself.
"Also the higher up he goes in rank, the more he will need these tactics. If we survive, I think he will go almost to the top, if not all the way, displacing Megatron one day. Depends on things though, that's how dangerous, I think he is."
"You think?"
Thundercracker nodded sitting down slowly, he continued with his explanation. "The longer he lives, the more he sees, will be noted for future reference. Starscream can easily see more than one way a situation could pan out, and that depends on what he thinks he can do to make it work; preferably in his favour. This is why I don't play chess with him, it's pointless, he always wins, it's a game of strategy, and he's pretty much memorised every move. And how he hates playing poker with you. Starscream can't control how games of chance will play out, and his poker face sucks."
"Even playing checkers with Starscream sucks."
Thundercracker observed Skywarp briefly. "I know you are also jealous of the fact Starscream gets to go to fight each week, but when you think about it, you follow orders, you're not a leader-type. And he is not the follower-type. I'm sorta both, Skywarp. I could lead if I had or wanted to. But I won't, I have no interest in that level of responsibility."
"How do you know so much about... what the arena is actually about?"
"I spoke to Darkstar a few weeks ago when I had to get something bad off my chest, and I really needed his input. He explained to me what Starscream's program was about. He will be a commissioned officer if/when he graduates." Thundercracker patted Skywarp on the shoulder, "Believe me, they are very, very happy you saved Starscream. And it shows me that even you have compassion."
"We don't leave our team behind."
The medivac rolled in then the medics made Skywarp lay down on the stretcher. They loaded him into the back of the vehicle where Thundercracker joined him. As the Medivac pulled out, Thundercracker and Skywarp could see a wing of Seekers fly in, flanking Megatron; they all landed neatly by the crater.
Darkstar and his trine approached the War Lord with a salute. They lost sight of Megatron as the Transport turned the corner and pulled into the base hospital. Starscream was already inside and being prepared for surgery. They presumed that Megatron would be apprised of the situation.
Skywarp was not an individual who admitted wrong or forgave anyone, but Thundercracker was sure that his heroic and uncharacteristic selfless actions was an indication that he had indeed forgiven Starscream for breaking Thundercracker's jaw.
