Day one at the CWA
Thundercracker and Skywarp returned to Starscream a little over an hour later. The blue Seeker had some fuel cubes in his hand and handed them to Starscream who appeared somewhat surprised at the gesture. "You missed the meal period," Thundercracker said quietly.
"Yes, I'll be fine," Starscream replied, tucking his datapad away. He ate a couple of the offered cubes and tucked the rest away.
"They said we'd end up facing starvation," Skywarp reinforced, "that means no fuel for days... going hungry, I hate going hungry."
Starscream shrugged briefly and smiled knowingly. "I'll gorge tomorrow and then maintain it. I can refuel once a week and be comfortable."
"You can actually do that?" Skywarp asked, optics bright with amazement. "And not starve?"
"Yeah, I can, it's how I can travel through space- but I can't tell you how. Trade secrets, you know?" Starscream replied, glancing up. "I suppose we ought to report to the Sergeant... before he hunts us down." The red Seeker got to his feet and slipped off his bunk, landing on the floor with grace. "I got a feeling he's gonna be on our case from here on in."
"Yeah no thanks to you and those upside-down insignias - what on Cybertron were you thinking..." Skywarp grumbled.
"That it was merely a method of seeing how strongly you wished to remain with me," he said, leaning toward Skywarp. "You could have said no, but you did not. You chose to follow my lead and now we are marked as a group," his voice was low, barely audible to Thundercracker who stood nearby. "It may be prudent that we maintain this new alliance to get the three of us through this academy alive," he said, raising his voice loud enough for Thundercracker to hear clearly. "Again this choice is yours to make - we don't have to become enemies." Starscream looked at the two other Seekers watching them glance at one another. "If we can form some sort of 'trust' between us, make a pact now, agree to back each other up, through thick and thin we can get through this alive and perhaps come out on top. We could call ourselves... a Trine since there are three of us."
"It's a sound idea..." Thundercracker rumbled, nodding, "Which of us will be the leader?"
"Great! I'll be the trine leader!" Skywarp exclaimed. Hoping to his feet in near boyish glee. His rapid movement nearly sent the datapads flying from Starscream's fingers.
"You Skywarp?" Thundercracker asked with a disbelieving half laugh.
"Why not?" the dark Seeker replied, his tone was nearly hurt. "I can lead, just give me a chance!"
"Because you're lazy, Skywarp," his friend replied, "I have not known you to do an honest day's work in all the millions of years I have known you."
"Well, I can try..." Skywarp started. "I'm here aren't I? That means I am trying to get a real job."
"As a killer, something you do as a hobby anyway."
Starscream shook his head listening to the two debate Skywarp's work ethics or ethics in general. "I'll lead the group," Starscream interjected firmly, "and I say this because I have tricks up my sleeve - which I will reveal in due time," he was not sure what tricks he would have, just that he would come up with something.
"You Starscream?" Thundercracker said this time without humour. "You're a scientist - I mean, no insult intended, but I've led a work crew to build great towers or cities. If anyone can lead here it's me..."
Holding up his hand in a silent bid for a moment, Starscream continued with his explanation. "Yes, you can follow a plan, it's your job right; but can you engineer a plan? Can you tackle a problem with formula or method, observe the intricate details as things happen and react, to see what is working and what is not? Then formulate another strategy or another idea of how to work around the problems presented. A scientist is capable of reading clues that slip by most people. Trust me..." Starscream said softly. "If I can lay out a plan, you can follow them - that is your skill as a construction worker. Although, I am still trying to fathom Skywarp's usefulness in this, but I am sure there is more to him than I initially see."
"Hey! I'm useful! Just you see!" Skywarp defended himself, "trust me at being your thief in the night, or secret assassin!"
The young Seeker studied Skywarp. He seemed very confident in his abilities to steal or kill. He wondered how he could, being that they had no weapons other than small knives.
"Fine," Thundercracker agreed sharply, "You are the trine leader, we are a trine, we will work as a group to get through this academy and into the battlefield," he took a breath. "And after the Academy what then?"
Pursing his lips, Starscream sank deep in thought. His mind considered the possibility of maintaining the alliance after the academy, but was it possible? Would they get stationed in different areas? "If we can survive this, perhaps we can remain as a trine throughout our tour of duty with the Decepticons - but I can't promise it. I don't even understand how we'll be stationed in the end."
Thundercracker nodded. "That's a fact. Well, we better get moving..."
"...Before Darkstar peels the plates off our frames," the red Seeker said, hurrying off to the officer's building searching for their sergeant.

The Sergeants office area was a comfortable size for a Seeker of his dimensions. The walls were bronze coloured with pictures of alien aircraft that were suitable as Seeker Alt modes. Book shelves nearly lined with books, most of which covered military tactics, or military formations, drill, and flight manoeuvres. Some of the books covered sciences or hacking of databases.
The room also had a couple comfortable chairs across from the desk and a metal bench against the door side wall. It would be the place where he would seat cadets who needed significant reprimanding.
The desk that Darkstar sat at was brushed titanium with an obsidian glass top. It was inlaid with a computer display that could project holographic images as well as act as a flat topped touch screen. There were two other monitors on the desk as well as a projection-holo screen. All the information in the world was at his fingertips.
Those fingertips drummed on the obsidian top as he wore a perplexed expression. He wished to learn more about the trio of cadets that would be arriving in his office soon. He opened up a datalink to Iacon, and then accessed directly to the hall of records. Such information was not isolated to those who lived in Iacon, but it was the massed database of all Cybertron history and its people for as long as records were kept. He decided to check the summarised histories of the three cadets starting with the oldest.
Thundercracker, it appeared, was one of the Oldest Seekers aside from himself. Already close to three million cycles of the Cybertronian sun and was the product of one of the earliest Seeker productions. He was a tower builder, foreman and was one of the mech who was responsible for the construction of the Original VOS in its glorious heyday; a spectacular city. Darkstar remembered it drifting above the planet's surface before it was finally brought down planet-side during the short war. Darkstar frowned as he remembered the grounding having been elsewhere at the time. He mourned the loss of life that resulted when the city crashed into the chasm. Thundercracker was intelligent, artistic although extremely discriminatory toward grounders. Perhaps as a direct result of the grounding of his beloved VOS. Thundercracker was also somewhat of an introvert yet he was typically even keeled and peaceful. Not what he would consider made for military work.
Skywarp was younger than Thundercracker at about one and a half to two million years of age. He did not seem to have any set form of employment. Skywarp was a troublemaker, being arrested multiple times for various small offences and almost always escaping from incarceration. He had a taste for mischief and tended to pull pranks on people that could have devastating if not lethal results. Skywarp's record indicated that he was suspect in several murders, yet no one had been able to find the bodies and tag him with the murders. The records indicated that Skywarp felt that he did not have work because he stole whatever he needed. The benefits of being a teleporter. The ability of the teleporter was very rare and Darkstar knew only of one other, the first Seeker Cumulonimbus. Skywarp fit the Decepticon code, a little cleaner than his friend, Thundercracker, although his laziness was a possible hindrance.
And then There was Starscream, the youngest of the three. He was sparked in Vos - nearly a million years after the city fell. An "orphan" of sorts; he was an abandoned hatchling left to survive on his own. He had no real future and his chances of survival were slim to none, and yet, in spite of all odds, he rose from the wilds of Cybertron to become a highly educated, intelligent citizen and very skilled in the arts of survival and hunting. A scientist, graduate of Iacon University and recently thrown out, with all of his degrees stripped. This was an interesting development. Starscream did not indicate on his application he was thrown out and not technically a legal scientist.
Initiated a second search, this one accessing the University of Iacon's records. This search required some hacking, which Darkstar was able to do. The Autobot school had not updated its security protocols yet and probably would sometime soon. Once he obtained access to the University's records he found out that Starscream had been, until recently, a Master of Geology, Chemistry, Biology and Astronomy. He had left with Skyfire, a PH.D. of the same subjects. Skyfire and Starscream had been on a geological study of a primitive alien world where Starscream had returned alone. The allegations made against Starscream was based on his report that Skyfire had gone missing and he had searched to no avail and returned home alone. The survey report was filed under Starscream's name yet they felt the story was deeper and that he murdered, then left Skyfire on the planet to advance his career. Nevertheless, the council stripped him of his rank and privileges. Darkstar realised that this is what pushed the young scientist to the Decepticon's War Academy and not the Autobot's Academy. The young Seeker was quite potentially an Autobot sympathiser.
'An interesting grouping of backgrounds,' Darkstar thought as he glanced through other files and records, then opening the academic studies selected by each candidate.
Skwarp has yet to decide on what his studies were going to be. Darkstar pegged him at failing miserably or barely passing. Academics do not make a warrior though. They can be an advantage, but they could also lead a warrior to think. Skywarp did not seem to be a real thinker- he seemed impulsive.
Thundercracker had finalised his choices, but he had tentative courses, maths, literature, history as well as a mechanical engineer as an elective. Thundercracker selections suggested he was the thinker and potentially the one who would question orders.
Starscream was hell bent on his sciences with divergence into basic medicine. Darkstar wondered how effective a fighter a scientist would be. Scientists were not considered a huge threat on the battlefield, yet this scientist had a history of survival. Also, Starscream appeared to not give up on things easily. He lost his title at the University - an Autobot based University, yet it did not stop him from trying again from a Decepticon School. He was seemingly setting an example for the other two, who he appeared to only have just met. Starscream may be a scientist, but he seemed to have a drive to be in control. This could mean he was a potentially dangerous individual- depending on how he directed his drive and potential ambition. His reversal of the Insignia was a daring move in itself, even for the well thought out reasons he had given for it, it could still be an Autobot insult and he managed to get two others to go along with it. Starscream's motives were not precisely clear to him, he could be a problem, or he could very well be genuine in his desire to become a Decepticon. The truth would come out, hopefully, in this meeting. The young Seeker had clearly lied when he said he wanted to have a "change of pace." Omitting the fact that he had actually just been thrown out of the university yesterday evening. Starscream was willing to bend the truth to spare himself humiliation.
Darkstar wrote down notes on each of the recruits and marked it in their file. His stylus hovered over the black mark check box and he decided against it. No, the inverted insignia was not necessarily worthy of a black mark immediately, he would see what these three could do. Succeed or washout.
There was a tentative knock at the door and the three Seekers filed in, led by Starscream, tailed by Skywarp.
Darkstar glanced at the three as they stood to, what one could consider, attention. He glanced at each one as they stood wing to wing, they were uncertain of what was about to happen and were trying to hide it. He gestured to the bench along the wall, indicating to the three to take a seat. They did so, shuffling uncomfortably.
"You three have chosen to stand out, and I have chosen to notice," He started. "I have polled the hall of records to see what background information I can get on each of you and I found some interesting data. Thundercracker is the head foreman for the construction of VOS, Skywarp is a murderer and a theif, although the bodies have not been found, he has the ability and inclination to commit this crime and Starscream," he pondered on allowing Starscream to keep his dignity or challenge it yet he chose to air it out to his 'friends', "was stripped of his degrees and thrown out of an Autobot University in Iacon only yesterday. Thundercracker here, it seems, is the only one who has decent credentials." Thundercracker looked surprised, Skywarp shrugged and indicated he didn't care and Starscream optics burned brighter, his face darkened with embarrassment and his mouth firmed in an angry line as a flash of hurt followed by rage flickered across his face. That stung.
Darkstar observed each one for their individual reaction. He had anticipated these sorts of reactions from each Seeker. Thundercracker was humble, Skywarp didn't care and Starscream was seething with barely controlled emotions.
"You three are here for your own reasons. I reckon that Skywarp is here because war gives him a chance to do what he enjoys- and that is to cause chaos and kill. Thundercracker is here, because Skywarp is his friend and likely was talked into it. And Starscream is here to make a point against those who have wronged him. Am I correct?"
Skywarp and Thundercracker said nothing and Starscream spoke up, and his emotions finally rolled out and he spoke his mind. "I am here because this is where most of my kind has come. I was not "born" an Autobot as you are attempting to imply, but I was accepted into their University, because Vos, for some reason, refused my application. Slag, we didn't even have these Autobot, Decepticon, labels before I left Cybertron for that water-logged-semi-frozen-mud-ball which ruined my life. I came back home only to find out my home city is in "Decepticon territory" and my School is in Autobot Territory, and my home was sold off by the state. As you can see, I am considered Decepticon by Iacon's shallow standards because they threw me the frag out. And you Consider me Autobot because I went to an institution that is based in what is now considered Autobot owned land. Do you know what I really am? I am neither. I am not an Autobot or a Decepticon. I am a Seeker."
He pointed to his inverted insignia. "That is my true faction. I joined the Decepticons because this is where my people are and I wish to stand with them, as opposed to against them." Starscream's voice was hard, and he had both hands on Darkstar's desk and he leaned forward into his officer's face. His wings were wide and flattened against his shoulders. The posture was challenging and had Darkstar been any other Decepticon, the Seeker probably would have been eviscerated right then and there. Skywarp guffawed and Thundercracker rumbled nodding his head in agreement to Starscream's pride of being a Seeker. "My dishonour at the hands of Iacon is of no one's concern but my own. I will be a Master of sciences, just you watch, and If I have it my way, I will become a PH.D. Like I had always intended." He pushed himself back into an upright position.
Starscream's wings had flicked backward as if ready to fight. Every pulse in his body was ready to strike the officer, yet he had somehow managed to restrain himself from his impulses. Darkstar nodded in approval. The Scientist was a fighter after all. If anything he had extreme loyalty to his own kind 'his people' as he called the Seekers. And the insignia he pointed to, he saw that as a Seeker emblem not Decepticon? It was possible to use the same symbol differently to denote something else, as it was to use the same colours in other positions on a flag or banner to represent different towns or territories. Darkstar wondered if that could catch on with other Seekers- if it could become symbolic of the kind. There could be power to it. The Seekers were in need of a leader.
"As I said, you three will be on watch tonight, from Midnight until 4am, you will be meeting with Sergeant Riftwing; he may have some training for you. After that, you will refuel, and then take a rest period before you rejoin your unit in your boot camp training."
Skywarp whined, and Thundercracker groaned. "Yes, sir." Starscream said, pulling his left hand, made into a fist, to his chest in the standard salute. "Anything else?" His tone was eerily calm after his outpouring of emotions.
"That will be all you three, dismissed."
Starscream waited for Skywarp and Thundercracker to make their exit before leaving.
Darkstar wrote his observations down on the file along with a final note in Starscream's sheet. 'Survival of Academy is not expected as the cadet is easily baited. However, it was noticed he was restrained toward an officer. Time will tell if he will tell if he can survive.' Darkstar frowned and closed the folder then put them away.

Sergeant Riftwing was a black and dark green Seeker, he was large, usually large, a lot like Darkstar. He studied the three Seekers as they entered the Watchtower. "So you are the 'unique' ones. He grabbed each one and looked them over, pulling up their wings as if to check for flex, their heads for marks, their surfaces for scars.
"For a scientist, you bear a lot of marks, Starscream is it?" Rifwing observed. "Want to explain their history?"
"You know my profession, but not my name?" Starscream was unimpressed. "My scars are my business, their history is private and no, my life was not always posh and perfect." Again the Seeker was highly defensive, his wings flattened to his shoulders as a defensive mechanism. A posture that attempted to make his small figure look larger next to his superior.
"I see," Riftwing replied. "Well, to the task at hand - Guard duty. We will supply you with hand weapons, but these must be returned complete with any spent cartridges or unused ammunition. No one on campus is allowed firearms until they reach the final advanced levels. You may choose to use melee weapons such as swords, daggers and knives. But firearms are off limits outside of guard duty, or simulator training, unless approved by special grant. And you three were hand selected by Darkstar to take this early step. You will be attending boot-camp with the rest of the recruits, but you will be entering level two as soon as that session is done, the others will be entering level 1. Consider your cry of defiance with the inverted insignias noted and answered."
Skywarp groaned and Thundercracker shot Starscream a fiery glare. Somehow the scientist got them thrown to the wolves sooner and they would not have the break in period that others would have. Starscream ignored the glares from his comrades and focused on Riftwing. "So, this is a bit more than punishment for any perceived signs of defiance, but extra-curricular training. Am I correct?"
The deep green Seeker nodded. "Of a sort," he agreed. "We typically choose three individuals out of a unit to act as officer cadets, but we need to train them up first. Then we hope they survive the advanced training."
"Very well," Starscream responded. "Then let us begin our training."

Day two at the CWA
The three Seekers were tired when they were forced out of their bunks to attend the first training classes. Unlike what Darkstar had informed them, they were forced to join in with the others immediately. Skywarp was irritated as the pit for having been awakened. Starscream was used to late nights and early rises and Thundercracker, he wasn't sure about Thundercracker. The blue Seeker looked grumpy as if he needed an early morning stimulating energon to kick Start his day. But as forewarned, they were led into a lecture hall, each given a paper and stylus to fill out the forms of their final wills.
Starscream glanced up from the papers he was filling out. Who would he leave his stuff to? It was mostly "junk" by everyone's standards. Some scientific equipment that likely would do him no good in this line of work. Scientific books and journals, his private journal and log outlining his life history from the day he could write. Skyfire was the only one he would have left anything to and he didn't have that friend any more. Starscream sighed. Journals to the Hall of Records, Equipment to the War Academy science wing, and the state. It was really a simple task for him. He had no one in life to leave stuff too. Most of what he owned was already absorbed by the state when he went missing.
He glanced at the other two sitting next to him. Skywarp was busy drawing in the corner of the page with, "I leave Thundercracker everything." written in the space below his name, rank and serial number in large sloppy letters. Thundercracker on the other side had written out things in more detail. He clearly had a residence that he shared with Skywarp. He had friends he was leaving behind to join his insane friend in their quest to find military glory. It had to be a close friendship if he would join because of a friend. He flipped the page over to indicate completion then stood up and stretched walking over to a line of book shelves. There were several books, History of Modern Military Tactics, The Ancient Wars, Psychological Torture methods, Three Hundred Wounds you will never want to get. Starscream grabbed the Ancient Wars and the History of Modern Military Tactics off the shelf and brought them over to his desk and started to read.
He awoke later when Skywarp jabbed him in the back of the head, and none too gently, with a pen. "We're going to eat, you coming this time?"
Yawning and with a nod, the Seeker stood up taking the books with him. "I better this round- especially considering we'll be fighting for our meals soon enough."
"Yeah, no thanks to you and your dumb reverse-the-badge idea."
Starscream shrugged, "you decided to get it that way. Not my fault you could not say no." And with that the Seeker stole from the room to join the bulk of the group heading toward the mess hall.
